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What are brain waves?

Table of Contents

The Brain Waves

Neurons of our brain generate millions of nerve impulses. These nerve impulses are electrical signals and are called brain waves.

Brain Waves test or Electroencephalogram (EEG)

If we place electrodes/ sensors on the forehead and scalp, we can detect brain waves generated by neurons, which are close to brain surface. A record of such waves is called an electroencephalogram or EEG (electro=electricity, gram=recording).


Brain Waves types:

Brain produces four types of brain waves :

  1. Alpha waves
  2. Beta waves
  3. Theta waves
  4. Delta waves

Alpha waves :

Brain waves alpha are shown in the EEGs of all normal people when awake and while resting with their eyes closed. Brain waves alpha disappear entirely during sleep.

Beta waves:

These waves are produced when our nervous system is active, that is, when we engage in any kind of mental activity.

Theta waves :

These waves occur in children and adults experiencing any kind of emotional stress.


Delta waves :

These are produced during deep sleep in adults and also by awake infants. If they are produced by an awake adult, this indicates brain damage.

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