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Timetable for NEET preparation – Follow for 700+ score

All NEET toppers have followed a strict timetable for NEET preparation. You need to study at-least 10hours a day if you wish to score 700+ in the upcoming NEET 2024 exam. A timetable should be well balanced, means, it should include breaks as well as time for essential activities. Therefore, in this article I have discussed best timetable for NEET preparation. If you follow this timetable with a perfect strategy, you will surely get 700+ in NEET 2024.

Timetable for NEET preparation

I have designed this timetable in such a manner that you will get time to:

Study- 10 hours/day

Daily revision- 1 hour 30 mins

Sleep- 7.5 hrs (night)

Ample time for yoga, meditation, relaxation, napping, playing games, watching T. V. and for all the other essential activities.

Timetable for NEET preparation given below:

7 am – Time to leave your bed (wake up)

7 am –7:45 am- Freshen up, yoga, meditation

7:45 am – 9:15 am – Study (1.5 hrs slot)

9:15 am- 9.30 am – Breakfast

9:30 am – 12 pm- Study (2.5hrs slot)

12:00 pm-12.30 pm- Half an hour break

12:30 pm- 2:00 pm- Study (1.5hrs)

2:00 pm- 3:00 pm- 1 hour break for Lunch and half an hour nap

3:00 pm- 5.00 pm- Study (2 hours)

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Time to relax, playing games, walk etc.

6:30 pm- 9:00 pm – Study time (2.5 hours)

9:00 pm- 10:00 pm- Dinner, watch TV etc.

10:00 pm- 11:30 pm- Revision time

11:30 pm- 7:00 am – Lights off, sound sleep 😊

Most important factor in your NEET preparation

Guys, revision is most important for your solid preparation. Without revision you will not be able to retain concepts in your memory for a long time. THERE IS NO USE OF STUDYING NEW THINGS WITHOUT REVISING OLD THINGS.

Dedicate one day per week for revision in the beginning and as your preparation progresses increase it to two days per week.

Revise, revise, revise………………revise multiple times.

Important– In the beginning you may find it difficult to study this much, that is perfectly fine. In the beginning, study according to your limit and then gradually increase it. This may take 15-30 days.

I hope you will benefit with this timetable.

All the best for NEET 2024.

Drop a comment about how many hours are you studying nowadays?

Author : Dr. Komal Saksena, Ph.D. Zoology, University of Delhi

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