Many students think that NEET is a very difficult exam to crack. But is this all in our mind or is NEET really a difficult exam? First, make one point absolutely clear in your mind that NEET is a competitive exam, and any competitive exam is difficult as compared to academics because there is a fight for limited seats. So in this article we will discuss Is NEET tough ?
Trust me, NEET is not that tough as you are making it in your mind and I, Dr. Komal Saksena can prove it to you through a calculation. And in the end, we will also discuss some very important aspects of NEET preparation.
When NEET aspirants read in the newspaper that more than 20 lakhs students would appear in NEET 2023, many of them must be discouraged with the huge numbers of applicants. But does it really matter? Let’s see!
So, the calculation begins! (Keep reading for powerful motivation for NEET 2024 preparation).
This calculation is based on the NEET 2023 exam.
Number of students registered for NEET 2023 exam= 20,87,462
Number of students who appeared for NEET 2023 exam= 20,38,596
Number of candidates absent in NEET 2023 exam= 48,866
That means out of 20, 87, 462 candidates who registered for NEET 2023 about 49 thousand did not appear in the NEET 2023 exam. So, many students apply but do not appear. This could be due to multiple reasons, which is not a topic of discussion here.
Now let’s move on with the calculation. We know that, from 2023 onwards, the government has increased MBBS seats and now we have more than one lakh MBBS seats.
For more information about the total increase in MBBS seats, click here.
So, the total number of MBBS seats in 2023 = 1,07,658
Let’s calculate the student: seat ratio. For that we must divide the number of students who appeared with the total number of MBBS seats, and the ratio we get is 19:1.
So, out of every 19 students we have one MBBS seat. So, do you think it’s a very tough competition?
Let’s do some more calculations.
So, all the students who appear in the NEET exam are not well prepared. Many students appear in the exam without preparation or with very little preparation because they have just passed their 12th standard and did not get enough time for preparation. This is the truth because many students who appeared in NEET 2023 couldn’t even qualify the exam.
Number of students who couldn’t qualify the exam= 8,92,620
This number is 44%. So, 44% of the students who appeared in the NEET 2023 exam couldn’t even qualify the exam. This shows that don’t get intimidated or worried by the huge figures published in the newspaper that 20 lakhs will appear in the exam and this time the competition is so high.
Number of students who qualified the exam=56% of the candidates who appeared.
Number of students who qualified for NEET 2023 exam = 11,45,976.
Therefore, we can consider that these candidates must have prepared for the exam but to various degrees. Those who prepared very well are the top rankers.
If we divide the number of students who qualified NEET 2023 with the number of MBBS seats, we will get the ratio of 11:1. So do you still think that competition is cut-throat?
Absolutely no. But at the same time this doesn’t mean that you can get a good score without hard work.
Off-course, you need to prepare very well. You should not leave any topic untouched. But this is for sure that if your preparation is of top level and if you have invested 8-10 hrs a day daily for self-study and followed a strategy. YOU WILL MAKE IT. I am sure of this.
Points to remember NEET aspirants
Just believe yourself,
Work hard, give your 100%, avoid all distractions.
Follow a study schedule,
Read NCERT multiple times, you should not miss a single line from NCERT.
Revise NCERT multiple times,
Solve MCQs on every topic,
Master every topic by solving as many MCQs on every topic.
Try to frame your own MCQs.
Solve previous year question papers.
Give mock tests to increase your speed of answering questions.
Don’t leave any topic untouched,

Have faith, and
You will be the winner.
If you go through success stories, you will find one common thing in all of them, that they followed a strict study schedule, used to study daily at least 6-8 hrs and they all studied NCERT multiple times.
So, all the best for your NEET 2024 preparation.
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