This article has important multiple choice questions from topic Phylum Porifera of chapter Animal Kingdom of Class XI for your NEET Biology MCQ practice. Test yourself by attempting these questions after going through the topic. Calculate your score and comment below. Subtopic of each question is also given to make it clearer. Answers are provided in the form of video link (subscribe to our you tube channel KC Science Talks) at the end which you can hear as an audio.
Important– As this is topic wise NEET Biology MCQ practice quiz, so I have not provided the answers along with questions because I want all my dear NEET aspirants to do their own brain storming. If you look for the answers yourself, you will retain the answer and topic in your mind almost forever. All the best!
MCQ on water transport system
Q1. Which of the following is not the function of water transport system in sponges?
1. Circulation of food
2. Respiratory exchange
3. Removal of wastes
4. Nervous control
MCQ on sexual reproduction in sponges
Q2. The fertilization is___________ and development is __________ in sponges.
1. External, indirect
2. External, direct
3. Internal, indirect
4. Internal, direct
MCQ on Level of organization in sponges
Q3. In poriferans, the rudimentary division of labour is present between
1. Cells
2. Tissues
3. Organs
4. Organ-Systems
MCQ on digestion of food in sponges
Q4. The digestion of food in sponges is
1. Extracellular
2. Intracellular
3. Both intracellular and extracellular
4. Absent
MCQ on germ layers
Q5. Mesoglea is
1. A germinal layer present between ectoderm and endoderm
2. An undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm
3. Another name of mesoderm
4. A spongy layer of skin
MCQ on uniqueness of sponges
Q6. The pecularity of sponges is
1. Canal system
2. Water vascular system
3. Central Gastro-vascular cavity
4. Bio-luminesence
MCQs on body cells of sponges
Q7. Choanocytes are present in
1. Physalia
2. Sycon
3. Pleurobrachia
4. Echinus
MCQ on skeleton of sponges
Q8. In poriferans, the skeleton is made up of
1. Spongin fibres and spicules
2. Calcareous ossicles
3. Chitinous spicules
4. Cartilage
MCQ on water transport system of sponges
Q9. Water enters the body of sponges through
1. Osculum
2. Hypostome
3. Muscular pharynx
4. Ostia
MCQ on Sexual reproduction of sponges
Q10. All of the following statements are correct for poriferans except
1. Eggs and sperms are produced by the same individual.
2. They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals.
3. They reproduce sexually as well as asexually.
4. They have extracellular type of digestion.
MCQ on body organization of sponges
Q11. Sponges posses
1. Epithelial tissues only
2. No tissues
3. Epithelial and connective tissues only
4. All four types of tissues
MCQ on Reproduction in sponges
Q12. Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in
1. Sexual reproduction
2. Asexual reproduction
3. Only dissemination
4. None of these
MCQ on water transport system of sponges
Q13. Sponges need a continuous current of water flowing through their bodies for
1. Respiration
2. Respiration and excretion
3. Respiration, excretion, nutrition, and reproduction
4. None of these
MCQ on common names of sponges
Q14. Zoological name of common bath sponge is
1. Hyalonema
2. Euspongia
3. Leucosolenia
4. Grantia
MCQ on Common names of Sponges
Q15. Venus flower basket is the dried skeleton of
1. Euspongia
2. Euplectella
3. Spongilla
4. Leucosolenia
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Watch this video to know the answers(bilingual)